Favourite On-Board Cooking Our best Recipies of this month. October 1999 If the Sea is Rough The sea is rough, you, and three of your crew, are sailing in a cold foggy evening, nobody wants to spend energy in cooking, all there is to eat seems to be cookies and cheese. This is your chance to show your ability! Go ahead, follow my advice and you will prepare in no time at all, a warm, delicious soup. "Pasta and Potatoes" In a large pan put two table spoons of oil, add salt and garlic, add one mid size onion cut in small pieces, spread with "Provence" spices without forgetting to add a piece of chili. Cook until light brown crisp, then add 3 to 4 large potatoes cut in very small pieces, and continue the cooking for a while. Cover everything with water and go on cooking until the potatoes are ready. At this point add 200 gr. of small shaped pasta (not noodles). Go on cooking until ready and serve inmediately together with a dry strong red wine. The cheers of your crew will reward your efforts. Wine: Italian Chianti 1998, Italian Barbera del Monferrato 1998. Today the weather is lovely It is a sunny day, the right season for tuna fishing. You feel lazy and hot, what about something refreshing for the crew at lunchtime? Why don't you try Marco's special Deli? "Tuna Carpaccio" You just fished a fresh tuna fish, with a sharpened knife open the fish, and take away the eggs if it is a female (you will need them for another recipe). With a very sharpened knife cut the thinnest slices (paper thin) from the body of the fish, where the meat is softer, I suggest just at the back of head. Put the slices on a plate and cover them with fresh squeezed lemon juice (lime is o.k.), add salt and wait at least half an hour, add virgin olive oil and grind over it black pepper, parcely and garlic before eating, they are delicious! In the glasses white wine, very cold, is mandatory. Enjoy them. How to save gas, without loosing the flavour. As cooking, requires the use of a great amount of gas, during long trips we use techniques that allow us to save it, also considering that to cook pasta it is necessary to let the water boil in a pan and when the sea is rough, boiling water can be a danger, furthermore, one pan is not enough, as another one is needed for the sauce. To help you in this tough situation, here comes Marco's special recipe for you: "Raw Pasta" In a pan align a thin layer of raw pasta, use short pasta "penne,
rigatoni" any kind of short pasta will do. Wine: white Frascati Superiore |